Happy 11th Year Anniversary Boss Behavior Clothing

Aaliyah you are truly my favorite trapper♥️

1.Why does designing matter to you?

Designing allows me to express myself. I love to see people dressing nice and feeling confident. It makes my heart melt knowing I’m helping someone look and feel great.

2.Tell me a little about who you are?

I am a Fashion Designer and Stylist . I was born in Miami, Florida and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. My style comes from both places. I create clothing I would wear . I knew I wanted to get into fashion since I was in high school . I love dressing up and having on the latest trends. I was very well known in high school . Mostly because of my clothes and personality. I got along with pretty much everyone. I’m a very positive person . I’m always laughing ,even at the most inappropriate times. My mean side is horrible LOL At the age of 18, I developed my first business plan. I’m very passionate about everything I do. My passion keeps me consistent.

3.Do you consider yourself an influencer?

I influence without the title LOL I live a very positive life. My clothing line represent faith for every child/adult with a dream to never stop dreaming. I keep going and God keep showing out. I went to public school , I can survive anything LOL. If I can do it, anyone can do it. Never stop believing in yourself. Be your biggest fan and your loudest cheerleader. Keep leveling up and bossing up your life. That’s my motto..This year I decided I want to hide my likes and comments on my post on social media . I been on social media for over 11 years. It’s time to change some things and shake some things up.

4. How would you define your idea of fashion?

Definitely street. I started going to the local clubs in Atlanta at age 13 . I use to use my older sister ID to sneak in clubs LOL But , that made me look at fashion in a different light. Some people want to be a head turner. I’m a head knocker LOL. I got my sense of style from going to the club at that young age . I love to see how put people dress. I love Streetwear!! Boss Behavior Clothing is the perfect brand for anyone who stands on business. I want my customers to be the cleanest on any block or any club. I do it for the culture. One tshirt at a time.

5.Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

I’m manifesting positivity ,fashion influence and billions over my business.I see myself over wardrobe on all major networks and big screen films. In Jesus name – His Favorite Trapper.

For More Information Click hear www.bossbehavior.com
Social media: @boss_behavior